…..I’d have been in real trouble. For some reason – probably bordom – I started terrorizing pigs in other countries while traveling. The picture was taken was way up in the Andes Mountains in Peru. I was on assignment with a photographer covering a well-drilling project. The guys drilling the well had a mechanical problem that shut things down for an hour or so. I wandered a short ways over and started bullying the pig. He turned and walked away and must have forgotten about me (I don’t think pigs have much longterm memory). I snuck up, grabbed its tail and the thing jumped about two feet straight in the air. It hit the ground, turned and charged me. I just escaped beyond the length of its rope tether before it would have done whatever irate pigs do to people like me. His memory improved. He didn’t take his eyes off me again!
Haha! Nice! Poor pig.
lucky for you the personnel selection committee didn’t see this photo!