God created global warming

Scan the world’s headlines this week and you’ll find news coming from the International Conference on Climate Change discussing melting ice caps, decaying ozones and rising global temperatures that will evaporate water and leave billions of people starving by 2025. … Continued


What is the point of Christmas? Honestly it is a question every Christian should ask themselves during this time of the year with the hope that if they profess Christ they’ll get the answer right. I want to write more … Continued

Flickr is traveling with me too

posted in: Flickr | 2

I’d almost forgotten that a couple of years ago I opened a Flickr photo account, not coincidentally titled Travels With Me. (Actually the Flickr account was the first of the Travels With Me social media sites). I was going through … Continued

A bit of British golf

posted in: Life in UK, Sports | 2

One year ago Friday (Nov. 6) I received a phone call asking if we’d be “interested in throwing some things in a crate” and move overseas. Total shock would be the best way to describe my response. I pushed away … Continued

A day in Guildford

posted in: Life in UK | 3

The UK is old. Period. Since we’ve been here we’ve eaten at a pub 600 years old, live in a house surrounded by 300 year-old houses and yesterday went to a city founded 1,600 years ago when the Saxons ran … Continued